Open Networking Advanced Research(OpNeAR) Lab,The University of Texas at Dallas--美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校光学网络先进研究实验室



  Established in March 2001, the OpNeAR Lab at the University of Texas at Dallas brings together those professionals and students who share an interest in the general area of networking. The main objective of the OpNeAR Lab is to conduct collaborative research and develop excellence in the field of wired and wireless networking.

  The original meaning of the OpNeAR acronym was Optical Networking Advanced Research. Since 2006 its name has been modified to Open Networking Advanced Research Lab to best reflect the various research activities that are carried out in the OpNeAR Lab.

  In addition, the Telecommunications Applied Research in Gigabit and Emerging Technologies (TARGET) Lab is incorporated to provide for applied research and testing using live equipment.

  The following are some of the objectives of the OpNeAR Lab:

  1.To perform outstanding research, jointly carried out by faculty, researchers and students in the areas of:

  Architectures and protocols for high speed, optical and wireless networks

  Protection and restoration mechanisms for reliable communications

  Cross-layer optimization and network design

  Assessment of optical and wireless medium impairment on the overall network architecture, design and cost.

  2.To promote collaboration with other national and international universities

  3.To promote industry-university partnership to foster technology transfer of the latest advances in the field of optical and wireless networking networking

  4.To teach and provide support for courses in networking.